How To Find A GPS Tracker On Your Car

How To Find A GPS Tracker On Your Car? To find a GPS tracker on your car, check for any unusual or unfamiliar objects attached to the vehicle. Look for small, magnetic devices hidden under the car or inside the wheel well. You can also use a bug detector to scan for any signals being transmitted.

Maybe you suspect that there’s a GPS tracker hidden somewhere in your car, and you’re not sure how to find it. Whether it’s a suspicious ex or an overbearing employer, the thought of being monitored without your consent can be unnerving. But fear not! In this blog, we’ll guide you through the steps to detect and remove any unwanted GPS trackers in your vehicle, so you can reclaim your privacy and peace of mind.

Types Of GPS Trackers

When it comes to GPS trackers for your car, there are a variety of options to choose from. Each type of GPS tracker comes with its own set of features and benefits, making it important to select the right one for your needs.

Active GPS Trackers

Active GPS trackers are a type of GPS device that actively sends real-time location data to a remote server or monitoring center. These trackers use cellular or satellite networks to transmit data, and they are ideal for fleet management and vehicle tracking. Active GPS trackers typically come with a monthly subscription fee, and they can provide detailed information such as vehicle speed, direction, and location history.

These devices are commonly used by businesses to monitor their vehicles’ movements and ensure that they are being used efficiently and safely. Active GPS trackers can also be useful for personal use, such as monitoring the location of a teenager’s car or tracking a stolen vehicle.

Passive GPS Trackers

Passive GPS trackers are a type of GPS tracker that records and stores the location data of a vehicle. They do not transmit real-time location information and require manual retrieval of data.

Passive GPS trackers are often less expensive than active GPS trackers and are ideal for those who do not require real-time tracking or need to track a vehicle’s historical movements.

However, they are not suitable for tracking stolen vehicles or monitoring a vehicle’s location in real-time. To use a passive GPS tracker, you need to retrieve the device from the vehicle and connect it to a computer to download the recorded data.

OBD-II Trackers

OBD-II trackers are GPS tracking devices that are designed to plug into the OBD-II port of a vehicle. These trackers are easy to install and offer real-time location tracking, speed monitoring, and other features like geofencing and vehicle diagnostics.

OBD-II trackers can be used for fleet management, personal vehicle tracking, and even monitoring the driving behavior of new drivers.

Magnetic GPS Trackers

Magnetic GPS trackers are small, discreet devices that can be attached to a vehicle using a magnet. They are designed to provide real-time location tracking, and can be an effective tool for monitoring a vehicle’s movements. These trackers are battery-operated and can last for several weeks or months on a single charge, depending on the model.

One advantage of magnetic GPS trackers is their ease of use. They can be quickly and easily attached to a vehicle without any special tools or technical knowledge. Additionally, their small size and discreet design make them difficult to detect, which can be useful for covert monitoring.

However, there are some limitations to magnetic GPS trackers. Because they rely on a magnet to attach to a vehicle, they may not be suitable for use on all vehicles, such as those with non-metallic exteriors. Their battery life may be limited, especially if they are used frequently or in areas with poor cellular coverage.

Step By Step Guide To Finding A GPS Tracker On Your Car

If you suspect that someone has placed a GPS tracker on your car without your consent, it can be a concerning and unnerving situation. While GPS trackers can have legitimate uses, such as for fleet management or personal safety, they can also be used for nefarious purposes.

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of finding a GPS tracker on your car, so you can have peace of mind and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your privacy.

From identifying the types of GPS trackers to using specialized equipment, we’ll cover all the essential information you need to know to locate and remove any unauthorized GPS trackers from your vehicle.

Gather Necessary Tools And Equipment

The first step in finding a GPS tracker on your car is to gather the necessary tools and equipment. This includes a flashlight, a mirror, a GPS signal detector, and a pair of gloves. These tools will help you search for the tracker in hard-to-reach areas and detect any signals it may be emitting. It’s important to be prepared before starting your search to ensure a thorough and successful process.

Perform A Visual Inspection Of The Exterior

The first step to finding a GPS tracker on your car is to perform a visual inspection of the exterior. This involves checking for any suspicious looking devices that are not part of your car’s original equipment. Look for any unusual wires or antennas that may be attached to the underside or exterior of your car.

Check for any magnetic devices or any protruding objects that may be hiding a GPS tracker. A thorough inspection of the exterior can help you identify any unauthorized tracking devices that may be present on your vehicle.

Check The Interior For Hidden Devices

When trying to find a GPS tracker on your car, it’s important to thoroughly check the interior of the vehicle for any hidden devices. This can include looking for any unusual wiring, checking for small devices in the dashboard or under the seats, and inspecting the underside of the car for any attached devices.

By taking the time to carefully inspect the interior of the car, you can increase your chances of locating any hidden GPS trackers and protecting your privacy.

Inspect The Engine Compartment

Inspecting the engine compartment of your car is an essential step in finding a GPS tracker. Some GPS trackers require access to the car’s power supply, and they may be hidden in the engine compartment.

Look for any suspicious wires or devices that don’t seem to belong there, and check for any signs of tampering or damage to the wiring. Additionally, be sure to inspect the battery and any other components that could be used to power a GPS tracker.

Examine The Undercarriage

The undercarriage of your car is an important area to examine when looking for a GPS tracker. This is because many trackers are hidden here and may be attached with magnets or adhesive.

It’s important to carefully inspect the area, including the wheel wells and frame, and to look for any unusual devices or wires. If you do find a GPS tracker, it’s best to remove it carefully and seek professional help if necessary.

Common Hiding Spots For GPS Trackers

GPS trackers are becoming more commonplace. These tiny devices can be used for a variety of purposes, from tracking vehicles and monitoring the movements of employees to keeping tabs on loved ones or pets. However, with the rise in popularity of GPS trackers comes a corresponding increase in the need to keep them hidden.

If you suspect that your car is being tracked without your knowledge, the first step is to search for any hidden GPS trackers. These devices are often small, discreet, and can be placed in a variety of locations in your car. However, there are some common hiding spots that you should be aware of when searching for a GPS tracker.

The glove compartment

One of the most common hiding spots for GPS trackers is the glove compartment of a vehicle. This is a convenient location because it is easily accessible, and most people do not think to check the glove compartment when searching for hidden devices.

However, this location is also relatively easy to discover, especially if someone is specifically looking for a GPS tracker. To make sure your device remains hidden, consider securing it in a small box or container and then placing it inside the glove compartment.

Underneath the car

Another common hiding spot for GPS trackers is underneath a vehicle. This location is popular because it is discreet and can be difficult to detect. However, it can also be risky, as the device may be damaged or dislodged by bumps in the road or other hazards. To make sure your device remains secure, consider using a magnetic mount or a strong adhesive to keep it in place.

Inside the bumper

For those who are particularly concerned about keeping their GPS tracker hidden, the bumper of a vehicle can be a good option. This location is not only discreet but also offers some protection from damage.

To hide your device in the bumper, you will need to create a small compartment or box that is large enough to hold the device. You can then secure the box in place using strong adhesive or screws.

Inside a backpack or bag

If you are using a GPS tracker to monitor the movements of a person, such as a child or employee, hiding the device inside a backpack or bag can be a good option. This location is easy to access, and the device will not be at risk of damage. However, it is important to make sure that the bag is not left unattended, as someone may discover the device by accident.

In a hollowed-out book

For those who are looking for a more creative hiding spot, a hollowed-out book can be an excellent option. This location is not only discreet but also offers some protection from damage.

To create a hollowed-out book, you will need to carefully cut out the pages in the center of the book, leaving only a thin layer of paper around the edges. You can then insert the GPS tracker into the hollowed-out section and replace the cover.

Engine Compartment

The engine compartment is a common hiding spot for GPS trackers. Thieves or stalkers might hide a GPS tracker in the engine compartment to avoid detection, as it is a discreet location. However, locating a GPS tracker in the engine compartment requires careful observation and a thorough search.

It is essential to look for any unfamiliar devices or wires that might be connected to the battery or the vehicle’s computer system. Additionally, it is advisable to seek professional assistance if you are unsure of what to look for or how to remove the tracker safely.

Under The Dashboard

Under the dashboard is one of the most common hiding spots for GPS trackers in cars. It is an ideal location because it provides easy access to the vehicle’s electrical system, and it’s relatively easy to conceal a small device in this area. If you suspect that there might be a GPS tracker under your dashboard, you can look for any unfamiliar wires or devices that are not part of the original car equipment.

You may also notice that your car’s battery drains faster than usual, which could indicate that a tracker is draining power. If you’re unsure about whether there is a tracker in your car, you can take your vehicle to a mechanic or a professional GPS tracker detection service to have it inspected.

What To Do If You Find A GPS Tracker

If you’ve discovered a GPS tracker on your car, you may feel violated and uneasy about the situation. It’s understandable to have concerns about who placed the tracker and why they’re tracking your movements. However, it’s important to stay calm and take the necessary steps to address the situation.

Assess The Situation And Consider Your Safety

When you find a GPS tracker on your car, the first thing you need to do is assess the situation and consider your safety. Determine if the tracker is a threat to your personal safety or if it’s simply an invasion of your privacy.

If you suspect that someone is tracking your movements for malicious reasons, it’s essential to take immediate action to protect yourself. This may involve contacting the authorities, changing your routines, or seeking legal advice. In any case, it’s important to handle the situation calmly and carefully to ensure your safety and well-being.

Document The Evidence

If you find a GPS tracker on your car, it’s important to document the evidence carefully. Take photos of the tracker’s location, the wiring, and any other identifying features. Note the date and time when you found it, and keep any receipts or packaging that may have come with it.

If you suspect that someone is using a GPS tracker to monitor your movements, it’s important to take the situation seriously and gather as much evidence as possible. This documentation may be useful if you decide to file a police report or take legal action against the person who placed the tracker on your vehicle.

Remember that removing a GPS tracker without permission may be illegal in some areas, so it’s important to check local laws before taking any action. In some cases, it may be best to consult with a legal professional before proceeding.

Report The Discovery To Law Enforcement

If you find a GPS tracker on your car, it is important to report it to law enforcement. This is because the installation of a GPS tracker without consent is illegal and considered a violation of privacy. By reporting it, you can protect your rights and take appropriate legal action against the person responsible.

Make sure to provide as much information as possible to the authorities, such as the location and appearance of the tracker, to assist in their investigation.

Consult An Attorney If Necessary

If you find a GPS tracker on your car, it’s important to take action to protect your privacy and security. Depending on the circumstances, it may be advisable to consult with an attorney who can help you understand your legal rights and options.

They can also advise you on how to proceed if you believe that the GPS tracker was placed on your car without your consent or in violation of the law. Remember to document everything, including the location and condition of the GPS tracker, and any suspicious behavior you may have observed.

Preventing Unauthorized GPS Tracking

GPS trackers have become a common tool for vehicle owners to keep track of their cars. While they can be useful for personal or business purposes, they can also be used for unauthorized tracking, putting your privacy and security at risk. If you suspect that someone has placed a GPS tracker on your car without your knowledge or consent, it’s important to know how to find and remove it.

Invest In A GPS Jammer Or Signal Blocker

One effective way to prevent unauthorized GPS tracking on your car is by investing in a GPS jammer or signal blocker. These devices work by blocking the GPS signal from reaching the tracking device, making it impossible for someone to track your movements.

It’s important to note that using a GPS jammer or signal blocker may be illegal in some areas, so be sure to check your local laws and regulations before purchasing and using one. These devices can also interfere with legitimate GPS signals, so use them with caution and only when necessary.

If you do decide to invest in a GPS jammer or signal blocker, make sure to purchase one from a reputable seller and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure proper usage.

Park In Secure Locations

One way to prevent unauthorized GPS tracking on your car is to park in secure locations. This can include parking in well-lit areas, parking garages with security cameras, or in a private garage. By doing so, it becomes more difficult for someone to attach a GPS tracking device onto your car without being noticed.

Regularly Check For Unfamiliar Devices

“Regularly check for unfamiliar devices” advises car owners to periodically inspect their vehicle for any unusual or unfamiliar GPS tracking devices. This can help prevent unauthorized tracking, which is a common concern among vehicle owners. By regularly checking for and removing any unknown tracking devices, car owners can better protect their privacy and security.


If you suspect there’s a GPS tracker on your car, start by inspecting the exterior and interior for any unusual objects or wires. Check under the car for magnetic devices, and use a bug detector to scan for any signals. You may also want to consult with a professional to ensure all areas are thoroughly checked.

As we conclude this guide on how to find a GPS tracker on your car, it is important to emphasize the significance of personal privacy and security. With the widespread availability of GPS tracking, it is now easier than ever for someone to monitor your movements without your knowledge or consent. This can be a serious violation of your privacy and may even put you in danger.

So, whether you suspect that someone is tracking your movements or simply want to be proactive in safeguarding your personal privacy and security, it is important to stay vigilant and informed about GPS tracking. With the right knowledge and tools at your disposal, you can take control of your personal information and ensure that your privacy is protected.