How To Make A GPS Tracker

Have you ever wished to track the location of your belongings or loved ones in real-time? GPS trackers have become a popular solution for ensuring safety and peace of mind. However, purchasing a GPS tracker can be costly, and sometimes they don’t fulfill all of your needs. That’s why many individuals are curious about how to make their own GPS tracker.

How To Make A GPS Tracker? To make a GPS tracker, you’ll need a GPS receiver, a microcontroller, a power source, and a communication module. The GPS receiver will pick up location data, the microcontroller will process it, the power source will keep everything running, and the communication module will transmit the data.

In this blog, we will guide you through the process of creating your own GPS tracker, step by step, and give you the freedom to customize it according to your specific requirements.

Components And Hardware

When it comes to making a GPS tracker, understanding the components and hardware required is crucial. A GPS tracker is essentially a small electronic device that uses GPS technology to determine its location and transmit that information to a receiver. To build a GPS tracker, you will need a variety of components and hardware that work together to accurately track the location of your device.

Whether you’re an electronics enthusiast or someone looking to build a custom GPS tracker for personal or business use, understanding the components and hardware required is the first step to success.

GPS Module

The GPS module is a key component of a GPS tracker. It receives signals from GPS satellites and calculates the device’s precise location. GPS modules come in various sizes and shapes, but they all have similar functionality. The accuracy of a GPS module depends on its chipset and antenna quality.

Additionally, some GPS modules come with built-in features like battery backup, data logging, and antenna power amplifiers, making them ideal for specific use cases. Selecting the right GPS module is crucial in building an effective GPS tracker.


Making a GPS tracker, a microcontroller plays a vital role as the brain of the device. It is responsible for processing data, executing commands, and controlling other components of the tracker. The microcontroller should be selected based on the specific requirements of the GPS tracker, such as processing power, memory, and input/output interfaces.

Some popular microcontrollers used in GPS trackers include Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and STM32. It is essential to choose a reliable and efficient microcontroller to ensure the overall functionality and performance of the GPS tracker.


The GSM/GPRS module is an essential component in making a GPS tracker. It allows the device to communicate with the cellular network, transmit location data, and receive commands remotely.

The module should be selected based on factors such as frequency bands, network compatibility, and power consumption. Some popular options for GSM/GPRS modules include SIM800, SIM900, and A7. Proper integration and programming of the module are crucial for the successful operation of the GPS tracker.

Power Supply

In order to power a GPS tracker, it requires a reliable and consistent power supply. This can be achieved through the use of a battery or by connecting the tracker to a power source, such as a vehicle’s electrical system. It is important to consider the power consumption of the tracker and choose a power supply that can handle the required load.

Some GPS trackers may have specific power requirements or recommendations, so it is important to consult the manufacturer’s instructions when selecting a power supply. Regularly monitoring the power level and ensuring the tracker is adequately charged or connected to power is crucial for maintaining its functionality.


The antenna is an essential component of a GPS tracker that receives signals from GPS satellites. There are two types of antennas used in GPS trackers: patch and active antennas. Patch antennas are flat, lightweight, and provide a directional signal, whereas active antennas have amplifiers to boost the signal strength.

The choice of antenna depends on the application and the environment in which the GPS tracker will be used. It is crucial to select the appropriate antenna and place it correctly for optimal performance of the GPS tracker.

Enclosure And Mounting Options

The enclosure and mounting options are important considerations when making a GPS tracker. The enclosure should be durable and weather-resistant, and it should be able to protect the electronic components from any potential damage.

The mounting options should allow for easy and secure installation of the GPS tracker, whether it’s for personal use or for tracking a vehicle. There are various enclosure and mounting options available in the market, ranging from waterproof cases to magnetic mounts, and the choice ultimately depends on the specific needs and preferences of the user.

Software And Programming

Software and programming play a crucial role in building a GPS tracker. A GPS tracker involves the integration of hardware and software components to work seamlessly together.

The software side of a GPS tracker is responsible for interpreting the data collected by the hardware and translating it into useful information. Without software, the hardware would simply be a collection of sensors and components that do not serve any practical purpose.

Programming Languages And Platforms

When it comes to programming a GPS tracker, there are a variety of languages and platforms that can be used. Some of the most popular programming languages include C++, Java, and Python, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to choose a language that is appropriate for the specific application and hardware being used.

In addition to programming languages, there are also a variety of platforms available for developing GPS tracking software. These platforms can simplify the development process and provide useful tools and libraries. Some popular platforms include Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Node-RED. It’s important to choose a platform that is compatible with the selected programming language and hardware.

The choice of programming language and platform will depend on the specific needs and requirements of the GPS tracking project. It’s important to carefully evaluate the options and choose the combination that will provide the best balance of functionality, ease of development, and compatibility.

Basic GPS Tracker Functions

A GPS tracker primarily functions to track the location of an object or person. It works by receiving signals from GPS satellites and then calculating its exact location through a process called trilat.eration.

Aside from location tracking, GPS trackers can also provide other basic functions such as speed monitoring, distance tracking, and geo-fencing. Speed monitoring helps track how fast the object or person is moving, while distance tracking calculates the distance traveled.

Geo-fencing is a feature that allows the user to set a virtual boundary around a specific location. If the object or person being tracked goes beyond this boundary, the user will receive an alert.

Advanced Features And Customization

“Advanced features and customization” refers to the additional functionalities that can be added to a GPS tracker through software and programming. These features can include things like real-time location tracking, geofencing, and data analysis.

Customization options allow for personalized settings and alerts, as well as integration with other devices and software. Implementing these advanced features requires knowledge of programming languages like Python or C++, and access to specialized hardware components such as accelerometers and gyroscopes. Advanced features and customization can greatly enhance the functionality and usefulness of a GPS tracker.

Integrating With Mapping Services

Integrating with mapping services is an essential aspect of creating a GPS tracker. By integrating with mapping services, you can accurately track and display the location of the device on a map in real-time. This requires selecting a mapping service that provides the necessary APIs and SDKs to enable seamless integration with your GPS tracker software.

Some popular mapping services for GPS tracking include Google Maps, Mapbox, and OpenStreetMap. Once you’ve selected a mapping service, you’ll need to configure your software to send location data to the mapping service’s API, and then display the resulting map on the device’s interface. This integration can greatly enhance the usefulness and accuracy of your GPS tracker.

Step By Step Guide To Make A GPS Tracker

If you’re interested in creating your own GPS tracker, you’ve come to the right place. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of building your very own GPS tracking device from scratch.

Whether you’re looking to keep tabs on your pets or track your personal belongings, a GPS tracker can be an incredibly useful tool. And with the right tools and knowledge, building one can be easier than you might think.

So, let’s get started and dive into the world of DIY GPS trackers!

Assembling The Hardware Components

The process of assembling hardware components for a GPS tracker involves connecting various modules, including the GPS receiver, microcontroller, battery, and antenna. Proper soldering and wiring are necessary to ensure the components function correctly.

It’s important to select the appropriate components based on the desired tracking functionality and to follow a step-by-step guide carefully. Once assembled, the GPS tracker can be programmed and tested to ensure it accurately records location data.

Programming The Microcontroller

The step of programming the microcontroller is crucial in making a GPS tracker. The microcontroller acts as the brain of the device, controlling its functions and processing data received from the GPS module. It requires knowledge of programming languages such as C or C++, and the use of specialized software tools like the Arduino IDE or AVR Studio.

Programmers need to write code that can interface with the GPS module, control the device’s power consumption, and communicate with other devices through wireless communication protocols like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. To ensure the proper functioning of the GPS tracker, programmers must thoroughly test their code and make necessary modifications to optimize its performance.

Configuring The GPS And GSM/GPRS Modules

In order to make a GPS tracker, configuring the GPS and GSM/GPRS modules is an important step. The GPS module helps to track the location of the device, while the GSM/GPRS module enables the device to transmit this information to a remote server.

Configuring these modules involves setting up their respective parameters, such as baud rate and communication protocol, and ensuring they are properly connected to the microcontroller.

It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and test the modules thoroughly to ensure accurate tracking and transmission of location data.

Connecting To A Mapping Service

In order to connect your GPS tracker to a mapping service, you will need to have a compatible device and a subscription to a mapping service. Once you have both, you can connect your GPS tracker to the service using the device’s settings or a third-party app.

This will allow you to track the location of your device in real-time and view its location on a map. Some mapping services offer additional features such as geofencing and alerts for when your device enters or leaves a specific area.

Testing And Troubleshooting

In the context of creating a GPS tracker, testing and troubleshooting are crucial steps in ensuring that the device functions properly. During the testing phase, it’s essential to check that the GPS tracker can accurately receive and transmit location data. It’s crucial to verify that the device can withstand different environmental conditions and is durable enough to endure daily use.

Troubleshooting is the process of identifying and resolving any issues or errors that arise during testing or use. If the GPS tracker malfunctions, the troubleshoot process involves analyzing the device’s components and checking the connections to diagnose and fix the problem. Regular testing and troubleshooting can help improve the performance and longevity of a GPS tracker.

Real-Time Tracking And Data Storage

Real-time Tracking and Data Storage is a critical aspect of GPS tracker design, enabling the user to track the location of a person or object in real-time and store the data for future analysis. This feature is essential for fleet management, asset tracking, and personal safety, where location information and data play a significant role in decision-making.

Monitoring Your GPS Tracker In Real-Time

Real-time monitoring is a crucial aspect of GPS trackers as it allows you to track your target’s location in real-time. This can be done through a web-based interface or a mobile app that can be accessed on your phone. You can also set up alerts to notify you when the tracker goes beyond a particular geofenced area, or if the target is moving too fast or too slow.

It’s essential to ensure that the data from the GPS tracker is being stored securely, and you have access to it whenever you need it. This will enable you to monitor the tracker’s movement history and analyze the data to gain valuable insights into your target’s behavior and habits.

Storing Location Data

In order to make a GPS tracker, one important aspect is to store the location data gathered by the device. This involves determining the most suitable method of data storage, which can depend on factors such as the size and complexity of the system, the frequency of data collection, and the desired level of accuracy and security.

Some common options for storing location data include on-board memory, SD cards, cloud-based storage, and external hard drives. It’s important to carefully consider the pros and cons of each approach in order to choose the most appropriate solution for your specific needs.

It’s important to establish proper data management and security protocols to ensure that the location data is kept confidential and secure.

Analyzing And Visualizing Tracking Data

The process of analyzing and visualizing tracking data is an important aspect of GPS tracking. It involves interpreting the location data collected by the tracker and presenting it in a meaningful way through graphs, charts, and maps.

This allows for easy identification of patterns, trends, and anomalies in the data, which can help in making informed decisions and optimizing operations. Data analysis and visualization can be performed using various software tools and techniques, and it is important to choose the most suitable one based on the specific requirements of the tracker and the data being collected.

Battery Life And Power Management

When it comes to creating a GPS tracker, one of the most important considerations is ensuring that it has a reliable power source and long battery life. After all, the tracker needs to remain operational for extended periods without requiring frequent charging or battery replacement.

So, whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a seasoned professional, read on to discover some of the essential tips for optimizing battery life and power management in your GPS tracker.

Choosing The Right Battery Type

In the process of making a GPS tracker, choosing the right battery type is crucial to ensure optimal battery life and power management. Factors to consider when selecting a battery type include capacity, voltage, and chemistry.

Lithium-ion batteries are a popular choice due to their high energy density, low self-discharge rate, and long lifespan. However, other battery types such as alkaline, nickel-cadmium, and nickel-metal hydride may also be suitable depending on the specific requirements of the GPS tracker.

Optimizing Power Consumption

To optimize power consumption when making a GPS tracker, consider using low power consumption components such as low power microcontrollers, low power wireless communication modules, and low power GPS modules.

Additionally, optimize the software by minimizing the frequency of data updates, reducing the number of communication messages, and using sleep modes to conserve power when the device is not in use. Using a larger battery or implementing a power management circuit can also help to extend the battery life of the GPS tracker.

Solar Power And Other Alternative Energy Sources

Solar power is an excellent option for GPS trackers because it is a renewable and environmentally friendly source of energy. With advancements in technology, solar panels have become more efficient and affordable, making them a popular choice for powering GPS trackers.

Other alternative energy sources such as kinetic energy, thermal energy, and wind power can also be used to power GPS trackers. However, they may not be as reliable as solar power and may require additional equipment to be installed.

Utilizing solar power and other alternative energy sources can greatly extend the battery life of GPS trackers and reduce the need for frequent battery replacements, making them a cost-effective and sustainable option for tracking devices.


Making a GPS tracker involves assembling key components like a GPS receiver, a microcontroller, a power source, and a communication module. These elements work together to pick up location data, process it, transmit it, and keep the device running. With the right parts and some know-how, anyone can create their own GPS tracker.

In conclusion, we have covered all the necessary steps and components needed to make a GPS tracker from scratch. But what can you do with your newly built device? The applications of GPS trackers are limitless, ranging from vehicle tracking to personal safety and security.

Finally, if you want to expand your GPS tracking capabilities, there are several ways to do so. One option is to explore different types of sensors and data analysis tools that can be integrated with your GPS tracker to provide additional insights. Another option is to experiment with different types of GPS tracking software and hardware to find the best fit for your needs.